Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Day (Over): Lent = Pwned.

Dear Lent,

Thank you for being over. But thank you for teaching me things in the process.



.......yeah.............the past few weeks have definitely been eventful to say the least.

Before this past week, things were going normally. I was a little behind in most of my classes, but nothing too drastic except for one class (where I was fairly behind, but I was at a point where it was catch-upable). I was impatiently awaiting the day on which I could bask myself in the greatness that is Angels & Airwaves I-Empire (SO. GOOD. :| ;).), but I was able to pay off my credit card successfully because I was not able to buy cd's for the past 40-odd days.

Then last week happened.

Two Saturdays ago, my grandpa died and this past week were his funeral and all of the various things that go along with that. Therefore, I was taken out of commission and not able to work on anything, putting me further behind in all of my classes at a time where it wasn't exactly convenient. Sure, I brought some things with me to work on, but it wasn't exactly the kind of time where I could concentrate on anything school-related because my mind was clearly on other things. It was definitely a rough week and it took a lot out of me.

Interestingly enough, something happened during the few days I was gone that actually related to this lent. When I was at the Value Village across the street from the place where we (my family) were staying in Brantford, I (as I always do) went directly to the vinyl to peruse what they had. Then I found an Elvis 45 (or 7" as you youngins call'em these days). A mere THREE DAYS before lent would be over. Oh woe is me. Then I did something that may be construed as cheating. My family knew that I couldn't buy music for 40 days. Because my dad know how much I like my vinyl and how rare it is to find Elvis vinyl for that cheap in that good of shape (at Value Village no less), he said that he'd 'buy it for me and give it to me for Christmas'. Whether that was cheating and breaking lent a few days early, that I do not know.

Then there was yesterday. The great day on which lent finished.

I woke up just before 11 am. I thought that lent was over today (Tuesday). Then somebody was asking if lent was over today (which would've been Monday at the time). I said Tuesday because that's what I thought, then I rolled over, booted up my laptop, and checked the calender to see if it was, indeed, that day. Jumpin' Jehosaphat (yeah, with a PH ;) ), my math was wrong! It WAS Monday! So, realizing that if I left then, I could make it back in time for my performance class at noon, I would have time. So, I (literally) rolled out of bed, threw on some clothes, and booked it to Future Shop. Lo and behold, they had no copies left. I was a saddened little boy. And even though I felt awfully dirty inside, I then went to Wal-Mart with the intention of buying it if they had any copies there. Lo and behold they didn't.

Yet again I was saddened. :(

THEN! Right after my performance class was over, I hopped on the bus lickety split like I had a firecracker up my behind and booked it on the bus to the mall, picked up I-Empire @ HMV, realized at about 1:40 right after I bought it (judging by the time it said on my receipt) that I had practice for chapel this morning (Tuesday) at 1:30 that had completely slipped my mind (it's weekly, so that was kinda weird), ran back to catch the bus, which was leaving just as I got there, so I caught it JUST in time (Thank you goes directly to Jesus for that one), and then I got back to school and was 20 minutes late for the practice which was apparently just starting when I got there.

It also let me discover that I-Empire is SERIOUSLY one glorious piece of awesome :D.

Thank you lent for being good to me, for teaching me financial responsibility (word to financial stewardship), for getting me to regularly donate to a charity (the Esther Fund), and for making me realize that I don't have to buy everything I see just because it's awesome (like a subscription to NOFX's 7" of the month club. I was --><-- this close. But it also would've cost me a hundred US dollars. Phooey. :(. Also, thank you Josh Dies for letting me order your solo album :).)

Hey, at least it's better than me buying everything that I had on my list to buy the day lent was over ;).

Lent, have a good one, God Bless, and Merry Christmas/Happy Chanukkah (Happy Holidays, you can bite me.) :),


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