Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Day (Over): Lent = Pwned.

Dear Lent,

Thank you for being over. But thank you for teaching me things in the process.



.......yeah.............the past few weeks have definitely been eventful to say the least.

Before this past week, things were going normally. I was a little behind in most of my classes, but nothing too drastic except for one class (where I was fairly behind, but I was at a point where it was catch-upable). I was impatiently awaiting the day on which I could bask myself in the greatness that is Angels & Airwaves I-Empire (SO. GOOD. :| ;).), but I was able to pay off my credit card successfully because I was not able to buy cd's for the past 40-odd days.

Then last week happened.

Two Saturdays ago, my grandpa died and this past week were his funeral and all of the various things that go along with that. Therefore, I was taken out of commission and not able to work on anything, putting me further behind in all of my classes at a time where it wasn't exactly convenient. Sure, I brought some things with me to work on, but it wasn't exactly the kind of time where I could concentrate on anything school-related because my mind was clearly on other things. It was definitely a rough week and it took a lot out of me.

Interestingly enough, something happened during the few days I was gone that actually related to this lent. When I was at the Value Village across the street from the place where we (my family) were staying in Brantford, I (as I always do) went directly to the vinyl to peruse what they had. Then I found an Elvis 45 (or 7" as you youngins call'em these days). A mere THREE DAYS before lent would be over. Oh woe is me. Then I did something that may be construed as cheating. My family knew that I couldn't buy music for 40 days. Because my dad know how much I like my vinyl and how rare it is to find Elvis vinyl for that cheap in that good of shape (at Value Village no less), he said that he'd 'buy it for me and give it to me for Christmas'. Whether that was cheating and breaking lent a few days early, that I do not know.

Then there was yesterday. The great day on which lent finished.

I woke up just before 11 am. I thought that lent was over today (Tuesday). Then somebody was asking if lent was over today (which would've been Monday at the time). I said Tuesday because that's what I thought, then I rolled over, booted up my laptop, and checked the calender to see if it was, indeed, that day. Jumpin' Jehosaphat (yeah, with a PH ;) ), my math was wrong! It WAS Monday! So, realizing that if I left then, I could make it back in time for my performance class at noon, I would have time. So, I (literally) rolled out of bed, threw on some clothes, and booked it to Future Shop. Lo and behold, they had no copies left. I was a saddened little boy. And even though I felt awfully dirty inside, I then went to Wal-Mart with the intention of buying it if they had any copies there. Lo and behold they didn't.

Yet again I was saddened. :(

THEN! Right after my performance class was over, I hopped on the bus lickety split like I had a firecracker up my behind and booked it on the bus to the mall, picked up I-Empire @ HMV, realized at about 1:40 right after I bought it (judging by the time it said on my receipt) that I had practice for chapel this morning (Tuesday) at 1:30 that had completely slipped my mind (it's weekly, so that was kinda weird), ran back to catch the bus, which was leaving just as I got there, so I caught it JUST in time (Thank you goes directly to Jesus for that one), and then I got back to school and was 20 minutes late for the practice which was apparently just starting when I got there.

It also let me discover that I-Empire is SERIOUSLY one glorious piece of awesome :D.

Thank you lent for being good to me, for teaching me financial responsibility (word to financial stewardship), for getting me to regularly donate to a charity (the Esther Fund), and for making me realize that I don't have to buy everything I see just because it's awesome (like a subscription to NOFX's 7" of the month club. I was --><-- this close. But it also would've cost me a hundred US dollars. Phooey. :(. Also, thank you Josh Dies for letting me order your solo album :).)

Hey, at least it's better than me buying everything that I had on my list to buy the day lent was over ;).

Lent, have a good one, God Bless, and Merry Christmas/Happy Chanukkah (Happy Holidays, you can bite me.) :),


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Day (?): .................?

God is crazy. There, I said it. God is crazy.

Since I have started not buying awesome for 40 days (throughout the rest of this post, I will hereby refer to CD's as 'awesome'), I have noticed some cool changes in my life :).

It helped having a ridiculously convicting Local Outreach week this past week. God has definitely confirmed some things in my mind and has got me to think about other things that I have thought about, but not seriously enough to do something about it......until now.

Like, for instance, now when I go and grab some Tim Horton's or something, even though I have almost $200 left to pay off on my credit card, I always tip the remainder of whatever I pay with. At the start of the year, I started saving all of my tips and money I'd find on the ground to give to missions. Now, at the end of the day, I'm starting to put all of my change that's under a toonie in the same pot.

Lo and behold, buying cd's isn't bugging me nearly as much as I thought it would. Who'd'a thunk?

So, I'm thinking about volunteering at the Salvation Army now. That'd be pretty cool :).

Here now is why God is fricking crazy, repeatedly blows my mind, and why this post got started last night, was supposed to be posted last night, and ended up not being posted.

See, I've got a friend back home who used to be a HUGE jerkbag with the biggest ego this world has ever seen. I am not joking. Nor am I exaggerating or using any figures of speech. Only Kanye West's is bigger. When I was home back in August, when we were walking around after youth, he asked me, "So, how's your walk with God been?" It took me a little bit to respond because I was in shock that HE, of all people, would ask me this question. Of ANYONE I know, even those that DON'T know Jesus, he was THE LAST person I would've EVER guessed would have asked me that question. Ever. Two nights ago, he told me that God is leading him (with some obvious evidence) towards being a worship leader. That's pretty freaking sweet. When I, relative to this point, was halfway through typing this post, he got on msn and we started having a good conversation. This was around 12:20-30-ish. The Internet goes off at 1. We kept talking until 2. It was one of those conversations that needed to be attended to, thus this post did not get posted until now. We were doing some minor catching up, but most of it was about what God's been doing in his life and giving him some advice on what to do with his life to get where God wants him (he's in Grade 11 and is starting to think about schools). I'm going to be looking for a Bible college. I suggested Briercrest, but it's all about what God wants him to do, right? It's all good and it will definitely be pretty freaking sweet what God is going to do from here on in. He is almost a completely different person from what he was. That alone is God's doing. God is definitely doing some pretty crazy things in his life :). I, frankly, am quite excited to see what's going to happen in his life over the next while :).

I'm in the middle of your picture in a beautiful collision.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Day (?): Internet. Life. Oi.

Angels & Airwaves came out yesterday. I couldn't buy it. It made me sad, but not as sad as I would figure.

God's been doing some really cool things in my life lately. It's Local Outreach Week this week and it's been convicting me of some things. Some of which do with how I spend my money. Even though it will be a sacrifice, I'm going to do my best to start giving regularly to some charities. I'm thinking the Esther Fund (a fund set up through www.xxxchurch.com to help people who want out of the adult film industry get out, stay out, and help them get their lives back together) and possibly sponsoring a child through Compassion which is something I have wanted to do for a while, but never had a steady stream of income long enough to be able to, so it's all good now :)

Storm the gates of Hell.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Day Eleven: Sweet Bejeebus.

I did not buy any cd's today, nor was I tempted to buy any cd's today.

But I picked up some pretty sweet shoes.

I would like to declare here and now that I, Chris Lear, am the man.

(And pick up the new Angels & Airwaves on Tuesday because you will all be able to see the biggest hurdle in my 40 day trek through awesome and why it is that big of a hurdle. Or.....I WILL SMITE YOU ALL *grins and bares teeth* ;). Come Dec. 4 [or 5th. My memory is a shade foggier than normal at this present moment in time.], IT WILL BE MINE *grins, bares teeth, and cackles maniacally*.)

You're a spoiled brat. Oh, yes it's true. Fate fell short this time 'cause Your love never changes.

Day Ten: Just about, but almost.

Day Ten. The Day I Almost Failed.

So, I was sittin', chillin', drinkin' Coke, playin' Guitar Hero with some friend when I was on my laptop and saw that Switchfoot put a song up that you can get either with a financial donation to Habitat for Humanity, a time donation to Habitat for Humanity, or free if you're too broke. I was just about to pay for my donation, then I stopped myself? Would that be classed as paying for music, thus buying an album, thus breaking lent? Or, because it is a charitable donation, would that nullify the fact that I would, in essence, be buying music?

Interesting tidbits about that song. In the summer (the song is called 'Rebuild'), Jon Foreman and Matt Thiessen (from Relient K) wrote it for their current tour together. A few hours later, Relient K's bus burned down. Now, San Diego, Switchfoot's hometown, got largely destroyed by fires. Don't you think a song like that is even more fitting?

It's interesting, because I was in San Diego over New Year's this past, and some of the places we were aren't there anymore. It's just one of these times where you just have to sit back and think about how precious life is and how quickly it can be gone.

When they hide in the shadows of night, light 'em up.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Day Nine: Inch Nails.

Yesterday, I did the most retarded things I possibly could've done. I am one stupid child. This next little piece of information is most likely proof that I, Chris Lear, was dropped on my head as a child.

I actually was. Great Uncle's place. Got a wickedbad bloody nose (my apologies to all you Brits out there who were offended by my North American phraseology). Age four.

And I got the car trunk door accidentally slammed on my head the year previous by my dad because he didn't see me there while I was looking into the trunk with such child-like wonderment in my eyes. The twinkling was truly a sight to behold. Then again, if it was beheld for too long, it could quite possibly blind another, small, innocent, little child. Tragic. *shudders*

So, yeah, on to the stupid thing I did yesterday.

Remember how I wanted to buy the AVA record really, really, really, really, bad? Well, in my esteemed, near-infinite genius, I went on their myspace to see if they had any new stuff up. They had a minute and a half clip of Everything's Magic up. I listened to it. I shouldn't have. t reminded me how much I REALLY want to buy that album. Angels & Airwaves, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO CREATE SUCH FILLED WITH AWESOMENESS THAT MY SIMPLE, FEEBLE BEING CANNOT WITHSTAND A MERE TEMPORARY BLAST FROM YOUR MUSICAL SALVO!?!?!??!?!!?!?!!!?!?!!?!??!!?!?!?


That said, I've been throwing around the idea for the past few days of only listening to the music I have acquired since the beginning of the year in addition to not buying any cd's. I say this, because I've bought so many cd's in the past while that I haven't listened to all of all of them and I would like to get back to the point where I really take the time to sit down with an album and get enwrapped in all of its textures and unravel every layer to see and absorb all of its musical and lyrical complexities. One of the major downfalls of buying so many cd's in such a short period of time is that I almost don't get to really invest myself in an album anymore with very, VERY few exceptions.


If it does go like this, my playlist will go as follows: select tracks from the Advent Rising soundtrack, ApologetiX - Chosen Ones, the Bioshock Orchestral Score, Broken Social Scene - You Forgot It In People, David Crowder*Band - Remedy, Falling Up - Captiva, the soundtrack for Sam & Max - Season 1, Emery - I'm Only A Man [Deluxe Edition], Manic Drive - Reset & Rewind, The Offspring - Conspiracy of One, Radiohead - Com Lag: 2+2=5 [EP], Radiohead - In Rainbows, Relient K - Let It Snow Baby...Let It Reindeer, Thousand Foot Krutch - The Flame In All Of Us, Thrice - The Alchemy Index: Vols. I & II: Fire & Water, and U2 - All That You Can't Leave Behind.

I'll keep saying what I've said before, this will be a glorious, glorious 40 days.

We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. What makes a man, a man?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Day Seven: Partie un.

So, in giving up buying cd's for 40 days, I assumed that it would save myself some money and hope to be able to pay off my credit card debt and things. Lo and behold, Sunday, I went on a little venture to EB and bought some games (Tony Hawk's Underground 2 and Same & Max: Season 1). Oh silly me that in thinking that, "Oh, because I'm giving up buying cd's, I'll have more money left over."

I am a silly, silly boy.

That said, in a lesson of teaching myself some financial responsibility, I have decided to reward myself. If I do succeed in paying off my credit card debt by the time lent is over, I am going to reward myself with an Xbox 360 for Windows controller, because I would like to have a solid controller to play various games and such :).