Thursday, November 1, 2007

Day Nine: Inch Nails.

Yesterday, I did the most retarded things I possibly could've done. I am one stupid child. This next little piece of information is most likely proof that I, Chris Lear, was dropped on my head as a child.

I actually was. Great Uncle's place. Got a wickedbad bloody nose (my apologies to all you Brits out there who were offended by my North American phraseology). Age four.

And I got the car trunk door accidentally slammed on my head the year previous by my dad because he didn't see me there while I was looking into the trunk with such child-like wonderment in my eyes. The twinkling was truly a sight to behold. Then again, if it was beheld for too long, it could quite possibly blind another, small, innocent, little child. Tragic. *shudders*

So, yeah, on to the stupid thing I did yesterday.

Remember how I wanted to buy the AVA record really, really, really, really, bad? Well, in my esteemed, near-infinite genius, I went on their myspace to see if they had any new stuff up. They had a minute and a half clip of Everything's Magic up. I listened to it. I shouldn't have. t reminded me how much I REALLY want to buy that album. Angels & Airwaves, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO CREATE SUCH FILLED WITH AWESOMENESS THAT MY SIMPLE, FEEBLE BEING CANNOT WITHSTAND A MERE TEMPORARY BLAST FROM YOUR MUSICAL SALVO!?!?!??!?!!?!?!!!?!?!!?!??!!?!?!?


That said, I've been throwing around the idea for the past few days of only listening to the music I have acquired since the beginning of the year in addition to not buying any cd's. I say this, because I've bought so many cd's in the past while that I haven't listened to all of all of them and I would like to get back to the point where I really take the time to sit down with an album and get enwrapped in all of its textures and unravel every layer to see and absorb all of its musical and lyrical complexities. One of the major downfalls of buying so many cd's in such a short period of time is that I almost don't get to really invest myself in an album anymore with very, VERY few exceptions.


If it does go like this, my playlist will go as follows: select tracks from the Advent Rising soundtrack, ApologetiX - Chosen Ones, the Bioshock Orchestral Score, Broken Social Scene - You Forgot It In People, David Crowder*Band - Remedy, Falling Up - Captiva, the soundtrack for Sam & Max - Season 1, Emery - I'm Only A Man [Deluxe Edition], Manic Drive - Reset & Rewind, The Offspring - Conspiracy of One, Radiohead - Com Lag: 2+2=5 [EP], Radiohead - In Rainbows, Relient K - Let It Snow Baby...Let It Reindeer, Thousand Foot Krutch - The Flame In All Of Us, Thrice - The Alchemy Index: Vols. I & II: Fire & Water, and U2 - All That You Can't Leave Behind.

I'll keep saying what I've said before, this will be a glorious, glorious 40 days.

We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. What makes a man, a man?

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