Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Day (?): Internet. Life. Oi.

Angels & Airwaves came out yesterday. I couldn't buy it. It made me sad, but not as sad as I would figure.

God's been doing some really cool things in my life lately. It's Local Outreach Week this week and it's been convicting me of some things. Some of which do with how I spend my money. Even though it will be a sacrifice, I'm going to do my best to start giving regularly to some charities. I'm thinking the Esther Fund (a fund set up through to help people who want out of the adult film industry get out, stay out, and help them get their lives back together) and possibly sponsoring a child through Compassion which is something I have wanted to do for a while, but never had a steady stream of income long enough to be able to, so it's all good now :)

Storm the gates of Hell.

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